
WIFS 2024 features a special program of plenary talks on different aspects of information forensics and security. The presentations will be delivered in plenary sessions in the Aula Magna.

The keynote lectures will be given by:

Lena Klasén

Dr. Lena Klasén is since June 2018 Director of Research at the Department of National Operations and Ajd. Professor Digital Forensics, Computer Vision Laboratory Linköping University Sweden. From January 2015 to May 2018, she was appointed Director of the Swedish National Forensic Centre and part of the National Police Commissioner strategical and operational management teams. Dr. Klasén has a PhD in Image Coding at University of Linköping, Sweden and has led industrial- and research organizations in Swedish authorities such as Saab AB, Swedish Defence Research Agency, Swedish Defence Material Administration, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science and the Implementing Committee of the New Police organization, Swedish Ministry of Justice. Her industrial experience also includes product portfolio management at Saab and being involved in starting up innovative companies. Lena has and have held several commissions of trust, e.g. board member and forensic expert.

Martha Larson

Martha Larson is Professor of Multimedia Information Technology at Radboud University, in Nijmegen, Netherlands, where she is part of both the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences and the Center for Language Studies. Her research spans speech and language technology, multimedia, and recommender systems, with a more recent emphasis on security and privacy. Previously, she researched and lectured in the area multimedia computing at Fraunhofer IAIS, University of Amsterdam, and Delft University of Technology. She is co-founder of the MediaEval Multimedia Evaluation Benchmark and has served on the steering committees of IEEE Transactions on Multimedia and the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. She is a fellow of ELLIS, the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems.

Julian Fierrez

Julian Fierrez received the MSc and the PhD degrees in telecommunications engineering from Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain, in 2001 and 2006, respectively.

Since 2002 he was affiliated as a PhD candidate with the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, and since 2004 at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, where he is currently a Full Professor since 2022. From 2007 to 2009 he was a visiting researcher at Michigan State University in USA under a Marie Curie fellowship. His research is on signal and image processing, AI fundamentals and applications, HCI, forensics, and biometrics for security and human behavior analysis. He is actively involved in large EU projects in these topics (e.g., BIOSECURE, TABULA RASA and BEAT in the past; now IDEA-FAST, PRIMA and TRESPASS-ETN). Since 2016 he is Associate Editor for Elsevier’s Information Fusion and IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, and since 2018 also for IEEE Trans. on Image Processing. He has been General Chair of the IAPR Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP 2018) and the Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA 2019). Since 2020 he is member of the ELLIS Society.

Prof. Fierrez has received best papers awards at AVBPA, ICB, IJCB, ICPR, ICPRS, and Pattern Recognition Letters. He is also recipient of a number of world-class research distinctions, including: EBF European Biometric Industry Award 2006, EURASIP Best PhD Award 2012, Medal in the Young Researcher Awards 2015 by the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering, and the Miguel Catalan Award to the Best Researcher under 40 in the Community of Madrid in the general area of Science and Technology. In 2017 he has been also awarded the IAPR Young Biometrics Investigator Award, given to a single researcher worldwide every two years under the age of 40, whose research work has had a major impact in biometrics.