
Each accepted paper must be “covered” by one regular (non-student) registration in the name of one of the authors (paper ID will be required during registration). Presenting authors must register before October 4th, 2024.

For IEEE members, it will be required to login during registration to check the current status and retrieve personal ID (please verify the accuracy of the information retrieved).

Student registration will be accepted upon proof of current status, to be sent to A declaration from a supervisor will be accepted.

For any information regarding the registration, please contact

Registration Fees

Advance registration rates are available until October 4th, 2024.

All rates are listed in USD dollars and include VAT. The charge will be in USD dollars.

Registration TypeAdvance (in $)Regular (in $)
SPS Member555660520
IEEE Member660770630
SPS Student Member295345205
Student IEEE Member345410270
Student Non-Member445530390
Life Member345410270

Registration fee for each tutorial is 55$ for students, 90$ otherwise. Attendance to tutorials is subject to registration to the workshop.

Additional tickets for the Welcome Reception and the Banquet cost 140$ (max 1 additional ticket for each registration, subject to availability to be verified close to the workshop dates).

NOTE: due to the reached maximum availability of tickets for the gala dinner, the registration fees have been updated by deducting the cost of the social events scheduled for December 4th.

VAT Reverse Charge (Italian Customers)

IEEE International LLC applies domestic reverse charge on all supplies of goods and services to Italian established taxpayers with Italian ID (art.17, comma 2, D.P.R. n.633/1972). The domestic reverse charge implies that, for Italian Business to Business (B2B) transactions, the customer has to self-assess the VAT. Thus, IEEE International LLC will not charge VAT on the registration fees.

To apply the reverse charge mechanism, Italian customers (academia, companies) have to follow the registration procedure below:

  • provide their Italian VAT number during registration;
  • select “Wire Transfer” as payment method during registration;
  • complete the registration process;
  • contact by email the Registration Manager providing their registration details including their VAT number, and specifying the preferred payment method (credit card or wire transfer);
  • the Registration Manager will remove the VAT charge on their invoice and then provide either an updated payment link for credit card, or a wire transfer invoice, depending on their request;
  • the customers have to make the payment through their institution (registered with the provided VAT number).

In case Italian customers register on their own, without using their institution as an intermediary, such Business to Customer (B2C) transactions will not be subjected to VAT reverse charge, and the full amount including VAT will be charged during registration, with payments through either credit card or wire transfer.

Registration Site

Payments are permitted through either credit card or wire transfer (additional 25$ fee applied) through the following link: