Call for Demos

The organizing committee invites proposals for demonstrations on emerging topics in the area of Information Forensics and Security, which complement the regular program of the conference. Demos are intended as real, practical, and interactive proof of the presenters’ research ideas and scientific or engineering contributions, with the goal of providing researchers and practitioners with the opportunity to discuss working systems, applications, prototypes, or proof-of-concepts. This setting allows conference attendants to view and interact first hand with live evidence of innovative solutions and ideas in the field of information forensics and security and to see leading edge research at work.

Demo proposals should be provided as short papers with a maximum length of three pages (excluding references), to be prepared following the WIFS 2024 paper submission template. The proposals will be evaluated and, in case of acceptance, the demos will be shown at the workshop, and the accompanying paper will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore.


At the workshop, accepted demonstrators will be provided with a table, a poster board, a power outlet and (shared) wireless Internet. Demo presenters are expected to bring with themselves everything else needed for their demo presentations, such as hardware, laptops, sensors, PCs, etc. In case of special requests such as a larger space, special lighting conditions and so on, please inform the organizers as soon as possible to check what can be arranged.

Submission guidelines

Demo proposals should be provided as short papers with a maximum length of three pages (excluding references), to be prepared following the WIFS 2024 paper submission template. Each demo submission must contain a supplementary file, either in PowerPoint format (up to 10 slides) or in video (up to 3 minutes) explaining:

  • what is the scientific or engineering concept behind the work?
  • what is the novelty of the work and how is the work different from existing systems or techniques?
  • what is the expected impact on the Information Forensics and Security community?
  • what will be actually shown during the demo?
  • what type of interactivity will be supported?

In case of special requests for the arrangement, the desired demo booth configuration should be provided as an additional one-page PDF.

All demo submissions will be carefully reviewed by a committed appointed by the demo chairs, taking into account the relevance of the proposed topic and the expected impact of the demo.

Proposals should be sent to the Special Session, Demo and Challenge Chairs through the email

Important Dates

  • Demo proposals: June 30, 2024 July 15, 2024