Paper Submission

Regular submission to WIFS 2024 can be up to 6 double-column pages including references and figures. The review process will be single-blind (author’s names can be reported in the submitted papers). Accepted and presented papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. It is IEEE policy that WIFS accepts only original research papers, which are not already published or submitted elsewhere (including journals, conferences and workshops). Double submissions will be rejected immediately.

Authors should follow carefully all instructions and guidelines provided in the IEEE conference style and use the respective template (two-column Word or LaTeX templates).

Manuscripts must be submitted in PDF format using the Microsoft CMT submission system at

When submitting a paper, please select the required track from the menu. Regular submissions should be uploaded selecting “WIFS 2024 (Regular submissions)”.

The following aspects have to be taken into account when submitting a manuscript:

  • all papers must be submitted electronically in the PDF format;
  • IEEE policy requires that only original research papers, which are not already published or submitted elsewhere (including journals, conferences and workshops), can be submitted. Double submissions will be rejected immediately;
  • authors are required by IEEE to transfer copyrights for any papers to be published in the conference proceedings. This is performed at the time when the camera ready version is submitted for production. If a paper is withdrawn from the proceedings, copyright is returned to the authors;
  • accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements;
  • manuscript may be accompanied by supplementary materials, yet the reviewers are not required to take them into consideration. The main 6-page manuscript should describe and validate the proposed contribution in a self-sufficient manner;
  • the methodology and the results presented in the paper must be reproducible by independent researchers from the community. Reviewers will be asked to assess reproducibility;
  • the author list at submission time is final and cannot be changed;
  • the review process is single-blind, i.e., the identity of the reviewers is not known to the authors, but manuscripts may contain author names, affiliations, and other identifying features (e.g., grant numbers, references to own prior work in first-person form);
  • accepted papers will be chosen for either an oral presentation or poster presentation. For a paper to be included in the conference proceedings, at least one author is required to:
    • be registered with a “full registration” by October 4, 2024 (“full registration” types are: Researcher-Standard; Researcher-Member IEEE). Each full registration covers at most 1 (one) paper;
    • attend the workshop to either give the oral presentation or present a poster in the poster session (papers may not be presented by third parties, unless exceptional circumstances occur). Papers that are not presented will be withdrawn from the proceedings and from IEEE Xplore.

Important Dates

  • Paper/Demo submission: June 30, 2024 July 15, 2024